Myanmar Conference 2019


Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2019 „Dynamics of Everyday Life in Todays Myanmar“

Unsere diesjährige Tagung mit dem Titel Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2019 „Dynamics of Everyday Life in Todays Myanmar“ fand 2019 an der Universität Passau zwischen dem 23. – 25. Mai statt.

Hier findet ihr das Programm.
Hier findet ihr das Poster.
Hier findet ihr das Konferenz Manual.
Hier geht es zur Hauptwebseite der Konferenz.

Zeitgleich fand die 4. Studentische Südostasien Konferenz (SSK): 24.-26. Mai 2019 ebenfalls an der Uni Passau statt.[:en]

Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2019 “Dynamics of Everyday Life in Todays Myanmar”

In 2019, the Myanmar Conference was helt at University Passau between the 23th and 25th of 2019 under the title Interdisciplinary Myanmar Conference 2019 “Dynamics of Everyday Life in Todays Myanmar”. Everyone who was interested is heartly welcomed to join.

Here you can find the Programme.
Here you can find the Poster.
Here you can find the Conference Manual.
Here you can go to the Main Website of the Conference.

At the same time, you could join another conference, the 4th Student South East Asian Conference (SSK) that takes place between 24th and 26th of May 2019 also at University Passau.[:]